
You never heard of the Millenium Falcon? It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs.

I've been working on a parser combinator library called trifecta, and so I decided I'd share some thoughts on parsing.

Packrat parsing (as provided by frisby, pappy, rats! and the Scala parsing combinators) and more traditional recursive descent parsers (like Parsec) are often held up as somehow different.

Today I'll show that you can add monadic parsing to a packrat parser, sacrificing asymptotic guarantees in exchange for the convenient context sensitivity, and conversely how you can easily add packrat parsing to a traditional monadic parser combinator library.


Today I hope to start a new series of posts exploring constructive abstract algebra in Haskell.

In particular, I want to talk about a novel encoding of linear functionals, polynomials and linear maps in Haskell, but first we're going to have to build up some common terminology.

Having obtained the blessing of Wolfgang Jeltsch, I replaced the algebra package on hackage with something... bigger, although still very much a work in progress.


In the last few posts, I've been talking about how we can derive monads and monad transformers from comonads. Along the way we learned that there are more monads than comonads in Haskell.

The question I hope to answer this time, is whether or not we turn any Haskell Comonad into a comonad transformer.


Last time in Monad Transformers from Comonads I showed that given any comonad we can derive the monad-transformer

newtype CoT w m a = CoT { runCoT :: w (a -> m r) -> m r

and so demonstrated that there are fewer comonads than monads in Haskell, because while every Comonad gives rise to a Monad transformer, there are Monads that do not like IO, ST s, and STM.

I want to elaborate a bit more on this topic.


Last time, I showed that we can transform any Comonad in Haskell into a Monad in Haskell.

Today, I'll show that we can go one step further and derive a monad transformer from any comonad!


Today I'll show that you can derive a Monad from any old Comonad you have lying around.


Last time, I said that I was going to put our cheap new free monad to work, so let's give it a shot.


Last time, I started exploring whether or not Codensity was necessary to improve the asymptotic performance of free monads.

This time I'll show that the answer is no; we can get by with something smaller.


A couple of years back Janis Voigtländer wrote a nice paper on how one can use the codensity monad to improve the asymptotic complexity of algorithms using the free monads. He didn't use the name Codensity in the paper, but this is essentially the meaning of his type C.

I just returned from running a workshop on domain-specific languages at McMaster University with the more than able assistance of Wren Ng Thornton. Among the many topics covered, I spent a lot of time talking about how to use free monads to build up term languages for various DSLs with simple evaluators, and then made them efficient by using Codensity.

This has been shown to be a sufficient tool for this task, but is it necessary?


A couple of days ago, I gave a talk at Boston Haskell about a shiny new speculative evaluation library, speculation on hackage, that I have implemented in Haskell. The implementation is based on the material presented as "Safe Programmable Speculative Parallelism" by Prakash Prabhu, G Ramalingam, and Kapil Vaswani at last month's PLDI.

I've uploaded a copy of my slides here:

* Introducing Speculation [PowerPoint | PDF]


I've put together a poll about when folks would like to have the next meeting, if you're going to be in the area, please help us pick a date and time that works for you!



I'm going to be out at Hac φ over the weekend cobbling together random bits and pieces of code, if you're going to be in the Philadelphia area, look us up!

In particular, I plan to spend my time working on my automatic differentiation library adding different directional traversals, and trying to combine them into a coherent framework.

I've uploaded a package named heaps to Hackage that provides Brodal-Okasaki bootstrapped skew-binomial heaps in Haskell.

I've uploaded a package named rad to Hackage for handling reverse-mode automatic differentiation in Haskell.

I gave a talk last night at Boston Haskell on finger trees.

In particular I spent a lot of time focusing on how to derive the construction of Hinze and Paterson's 2-3 finger trees via an extended detour into a whole menagerie of tree types, and less on particular applications of the final resulting structure.


I'll be giving a talk tomorrow, Wednesday, September 16th, 2009 at the Boston Haskell User Group in the MIT CSAIL Reading Room (on the 8th floor of the William H. Gates tower of the Stata center) about mixing Oleg's iteratees with parsec and monoids to build practical parallel parsers and to cheaply reparse after local modifications are made to source code.

Ravi is trying to organize some time before hand during which people can get together and work on Haskell projects, or spend some time learning Haskell, so its not all scary academic stuff.

The meeting is scheduled from 7-9pm, and an ever growing number of us have been wandering down to the Cambridge Brewing Company afterwards to hang out and talk.

If you are curious about Haskell, or even an expert, or just happen to be interested in parallel programming and find yourself in the area, come on by.

I was asked to give two talks at the Boston Area Haskell User Group for this past Tuesday. The first was pitched at a more introductory level and the second was to go deeper into what I have been using monoids for lately.

The first talk covers an introduction to the mathematical notion of a monoid, introduces some of the features of my Haskell monoids library on hackage, and starts to motivate the use of monoidal parallel/incremental parsing, and the modification use of compression algorithms to recycle monoidal results.

The second talk covers a way to generate a locally-context sensitive parallel/incremental parser by modifying Iteratees to enable them to drive a Parsec 3 lexer, and then wrapping that in a monoid based on error productions in the grammar before recycling these techniques at a higher level to deal with parsing seemingly stateful structures, such as Haskell layout.

  1. Introduction To Monoids (PDF)
  2. Iteratees, Parsec and Monoids: A Parsing Trifecta (PDF)

Due to a late start, I was unable to give the second talk. However, I did give a quick run through to a few die-hards who stayed late and came to the Cambridge Brewing Company afterwards. As I promised some people that I would post the slides after the talk, here they are.

The current plan is to possibly give the second talk in full at either the September or October Boston Haskell User Group sessions, depending on scheduling and availability.

[ Iteratee.hs ]

I have updated the reflection package on hackage to use an idea for avoiding dummy arguments posted to the Haskell cafe mailing list by Bertram Felgenhauer, which adapts nicely to the case of handling Reflection. The reflection package implements the ideas from the Functional Pearl: Implicit Configurations paper by Oleg Kiselyov and Chung-chieh Shan.

Now, you no longer need to use big scary undefineds throughout your code and can instead program with implicit configurations more naturally, using Applicative and Monad sugar.


Some people have requested my slides from the short talk I gave about monoids and monoidal parsing at Hac Phi. So, here they are.

There will be more to come at the next Boston Haskell User Group in August, where it looks like I'll be giving two short talks covering monoids. I may use the monoidal parsing engine from Kata as an example for the advanced talk if I have time and will start to cover parsing larger classes of grammars in general (regular languages, CFGs/TIGs, TAGs, PEGs, LALR, attribute-grammars, etc.)

About a year back I posted a field guide of recursion schemes on this blog and then lost it a few months later when I lost a couple of months of blog entries to a crash. I recently recovered the table of recursion schemes from the original post thanks to Google Reader's long memory and the help of Jeff Cutsinger.

The following recursion schemes can be found in category-extras, along with variations on the underlying themes, so this should work as a punch-list.

Scheme Code Description
catamorphism Cata tears down a structure level by level
paramorphism*† Para tears down a structure with primitive recursion
zygomorphism*† Zygo tears down a structure with the aid of a helper function
histomorphism† Histo tears down a structure with the aid of the previous answers it has given.
prepromorphism*† Prepro tears down a structure after repeatedly applying a natural transformation
Scheme Code Description
anamorphism† Ana builds up a structure level by level
apomorphism*† Apo builds up a structure opting to return a single level or an entire branch at each point
futumorphism† Futu builds up a structure multiple levels at a time
postpromorphism*† Postpro builds up a structure and repeatedly transforms it with a natural transformation
Scheme Code Description
hylomorphism† Hylo builds up and tears down a virtual structure
chronomorphism† Chrono builds up a virtual structure with a futumorphism and tears it down
with a histomorphism
synchromorphism Synchro a high level transformation between data structures using a third data structure to queue intermediate results
exomorphism Exo a high level transformation between data structures from a trialgebra to a bialgebraga
metamorphism Erwig a hylomorphism expressed in terms of bialgebras
metamorphism Gibbons A fold followed by an unfold; change of representation
dynamorphism† Dyna builds up a virtual structure with an anamorphism and tears it down with a histomorphism
Elgot algebra Elgot builds up a structure and tears it down but may shortcircuit the process during construction
Elgot coalgebra Elgot builds up a structure and tears it down but may shortcircuit the process during deconstruction

* This gives rise to a family of related recursion schemes, modeled in category-extras with distributive law combinators
† The scheme can be generalized to accept one or more F-distributive (co)monads.

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