If we take a look at the Haskell (.) operator:

(.) :: (a -> b) -> (e -> a) -> e -> b

and take a moment to reflect on the type of fmap

fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

and the unnamed Reader monad from Control.Monad.Reader

instance Functor ((->) r)

we see that fmap applied to the Reader functor rederives (.).

fmap_reader :: (a -> b) -> (e -> a) -> e -> b

So if we were willing to forgo ease of learning, and to bake in the Reader monad as a primitive, we could quite concisely redefine (.) to give it a more general signature:

module Dot where
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Prelude hiding ((.))
infixr 0 .
(.) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(.) = fmap

In this context, existing code continues to type check. For instance,

((+2) . (*3)) 5 ==> 17

And the . above doubles as filling the role of the * map operator mentioned in Richard Bird's 1990 Calculus of Functions paper generalized to any Functor.

((+2) . (*3)) . [1..10] ==> [5,8,..32]
((+2) . (*3)) . Just 5 ==> Just 17
((+2) . (*3)) . Nothing ==> Nothing

I was able to test this with the just about every example golfed back and forth on the #haskell channel in the last 6 months.

I'm not advocating this as a practice for Haskell as it is somewhat terrifying to think of how to teach to new programmers, but I found the exercise to be enlightening.