| category-extras-0.53.6: Various modules and constructs inspired by category theory | Contents | Index |
Control.Functor.Composition | Portability | non-portable (class-associated types) | Stability | experimental | Maintainer | Edward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com> |
Description |
Generalized functor composition.
Since we have many reasons for which you might want to compose a functor, and many
expected results. i.e. monads via adjunctions, monads via composition with a pointed
endofunctor, etc. we have to make multiple composition operators.
Synopsis |
Documentation |
newtype CompF f g a |
Basic functor composition
| Constructors | | Instances | |
class Composition o where |
| Methods | decompose :: (f `o` g) x -> f (g x) | | compose :: f (g x) -> (f `o` g) x |
| | Instances | |
associateComposition :: (Functor f, Composition o) => ((f `o` g) `o` h) :~> (f `o` (g `o` h)) |
The only reason the compositions are all the same is for type inference. This can be liberalized.
coassociateComposition :: (Functor f, Composition o) => (f `o` (g `o` h)) :~> ((f `o` g) `o` h) |
type :.: = CompF |
An infix alias for functor composition
preTransform :: Composition o => (f :~> g) -> (f `o` k) :~> (g `o` k) |
postTransform :: (Functor k, Composition o) => (f :~> g) -> (k `o` f) :~> (k `o` g) |
data Comp p f g a b |
Bifunctor composition
| Instances | (Bifunctor p Hask Hask Hask, Symmetric Hask f, Symmetric Hask g) => Symmetric Hask (Comp p f g) | (Bifunctor p Hask Hask Hask, Braided Hask f, Braided Hask g) => Braided Hask (Comp p f g) | (Bifunctor p c d Hask, QFunctor f b c, QFunctor g b d) => QFunctor (Comp p f g) b Hask | (Bifunctor p c d Hask, PFunctor f a c, PFunctor g a d) => PFunctor (Comp p f g) a Hask | (Bifunctor p c d Hask, Bifunctor f a b c, Bifunctor g a b d) => Bifunctor (Comp p f g) a b Hask | (Bifunctor p Hask Hask Hask, Bifunctor f Hask Hask Hask, Bifunctor g Hask Hask Hask) => Functor (Comp p f g a) |
type :++: = Comp Either |
Bifunctor coproduct
type :**: = Comp (,) |
Bifunctor product
liftComp :: Bifunctor p r s Hask => r (f a b) (f c d) -> s (g a b) (g c d) -> Comp p f g a b -> Comp p f g c d |
Produced by Haddock version 2.1.0 |